Mapping for Sustainable Development
Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 723 786161

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The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) in conjunction with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE) and Geoscience Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) conducted training workshops on Remote Sensing Technology and Applications at RCMRD and Kenyatta University between 26th and 30th

September, 2016. The objectives of the training were to impart knowledge on remote sensing technology and applications, convey additional information on remote sensing technology and applications, and develop professional connections and platform to learn and interact with international experts in the field of remote sensing. The training was facilitated by Dr. Susan Moran, Research Hydrologist (NASA, SMAP Science Team) and Dr. Paul Rosen, Project Scientist (NISAR Project). See photos here


Training on Remote Sensing Technology and Applications at Kenyatta University.

Get In Touch For more information, registration or further Questions

Roysambu, Kasarani
Nairobi, Kenya

+254 020 2680748 / 2680722
+254 723 786161 / +254 735 981098


P.O. Box 632-00618 Nairobi, Kenya

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