Mapping for Sustainable Development
Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 723 786161

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The NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center, through SERVIR, has been collaborating with regional forecasters to help improve weather forecast accuracy in East Africa. In this regard, RCMRD/SERVIR-Eastern and Southern Africa team attended a four-day training workshop on improving weather prediction in

East Africa from 8-11th August, 2016. The training was also attended by five participants from the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Predication and Applications Centre (ICPAC). The RCMRD/SERVIR-Eastern and Southern Africa team was mostly interested in 2 to 3 day, 1 km forecasts for their SERVIR applications. On the other hand, the ICPAC team focused more on coarser resolution 10 day, monthly, and seasonal forecasts. They were trained on how to access and use new datasets and use the SPoRT Model Evaluation Tool (MET) to gauge the accuracy of the forecasts produced. The training was led by Jonathan Case, a Research Meteorologist at ENSCO, Inc./NASA SPoRT Center and graced by Ashutosh Limaye and Emily Adams from the SERVIR Science Coordination Office. Read full story here

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