Mapping for Sustainable Development
Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 723 786161

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RCMRD Geoportal added in Earth Observation Catalog of the GEOSS Portal95f896ad39a46b645181dc54c97348f7 Geoportal 697 c

The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) data publishing and sharing Geoportal accessible at has achieved a major milestone after it was recently added in Earth Observation Catalog of the GEOSS Portal ( that is owned by Group on Earth Observations (GEO). The GEOSS Portal is the main entry point to Earth Observation data from all over the world and will allow RCMRD datasets residing on RCMRD’s Geoportal to be Searchable and Discoverable from the GEOSS Portal. Thus, GEOSS increases our understanding of Earth processes and enhances predictive capabilities that underpin sound decision-making: it provides access to data, information and knowledge to a wide variety of users. It connects users to existing data bases and portals and provides reliable, up-to-date and user friendly information – vital for the work of decision makers, planners and emergency managers. See also APPS PORTAL on our Website

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