Funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, Soils4Africa will put in place an Open-data Soil Information System (SIS) by 2024. The SIS will enable farmers, agri-businesses, scientists, and policymakers in their efforts towards sustainable intensification of agriculture and boosting food security; by improving the quality and availability of African soil data.
The broad goal of the Soils4Africa annual project meeting is to evaluate project progress, outline work plans, have scientific discussions, target training sessions for project partners, and receive updates on the work package statuses. In line with this goal and the current status of the project, the third annual project meeting (APM) focuses on the fieldwork, sustainability and funding strategy for the Soil Information system (SIS), The SIS: information provisioning and its visibility for stakeholders. In addition, the meeting evaluates the status of the laboratory work, and update partners on relevant technical and financial information in preparation for the preparation for the second periodic report and project review.
The 3rd APM is being held from May 22 to May 25, 2023 in Accra, Ghana, hosted by partner FARA. Participating organizations include: ISRIC, WU, FARA, MATE, ARC, IITA, I-BEC, SU, ICRAF, RCMRD, IFA-YANGAMBI, BUNASOLS, IRA, KALRO, SGS, JRC, MetaMeta.
RCMRD is represented by Eunice Wangui and Allan Oware.